


Tales of Scales 2024

Six hand-made transforming angpows in a lustrous golden box


To the carp, a challenge:
Crest the waterfall, become more.
Through the gate of the dragon,
find yourself changed evermore.

In an age-old tale
of supreme aim and ambition,
pull on the brave fish’s tail;
watch it evolve beyond imagination.

TALES OF SCALES is a crafted take on the age-old Chinese idiom 鲤跃龙门, literally translated to carp leaping over the dragon’s gate, which represents an overcoming of hardships and triumph through perseverance. Glimmering with vibrant colours and golden scales, the humble carp on the red packet hides a surprise — pull its tail and the red packet transforms itself into a majestic dragon! A unique Chinese New Year gift set featuring both paper craft and storytelling, it is a red packet that is sure to surprise your recipients.

Size: 110mm (W) × 192mm (H) × 32mm (D)
Each lustrous golden box comes with:
6× Interactive Ang Pows


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